Archives for March 2016

An intro to Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization – or SEO -is all about structuring your site and your site’s content in a way that Search Engines such as Google and Bing will list your site when someone searches for the types of products or services you offer.

Even though the technical aspects of SEO are complex, consistently applying some basic principles will make a big difference to how your site is ranked by the search engines.

At its simplest form, SEO is about using words and phrases in your site’s content that are most relevant to your business.  In addition, every post and page on your site has a section in the WordPress “edit” area that allows you to add some keywords and phrases that will help the search engines find your site. This basic approach works well for a business that operate at a local level and who’s customers are “in the neighborhood”.

While SEO is not my area of expertise, I can guide you in the basics and get you started on your SEO strategy.

If you have a business site or if you are targeting a national or international market, you might want to take your SEO strategy a step further. You may choose to use Search engine Marketing (SEM) to drive traffic to your site by purchasing ads on search engines. Google AdWords the most popular paid search platform and a great place to start.

There are lots of great SEO and SEM resources online to get you started. Depending on how much time you have to devote to marketing your site, your interest in learning about SEO, and how complex your website is, you may choose to outsource your search engine strategy to an expert. Again, a quick Google search will help us find the perfect SEO team for your business.

Here are a few resources to get you started.

Beginners Guide to SEO

Search Engine Land’s Guide To SEO

What Is SEM & Paid Search Marketing?

Site Maintenance – Do or Die

A little care and attention is all your website needs to serve you well

We all know the consequences of neglecting our car, home, or health. Websites also need to be maintained to work properly. As with anything of value, regular website maintenance will save you time and money in the long term, and minimize creativity-destroying stress.

The most critical maintenance-related task is updating WordPress and various plug-ins. But WordPress makes it easy to stay on top of this responsibility. Just log in at least once a week and check if there are update alerts waiting for you. WordPress is so user-friendly that most updates can be performed with only a click or two.

If you’re unsure whether you have the technical skill to keep your website up to date and running smoothly, I will teach you all the basics.

Cautionary Tale

The Panama Papers – Someone did not update the plug-ins!

When you need expert support

WordPress and its related plug-ins are open source technologies and are being continually improved by thousands of developers. All that behind-the-scenes work, however, can lead to occasional hiccups in your website’s functioning. For instance, a WordPress update will affect a plug-in, a plug-in will require you to make changes to your website, or a plug-in will cause unexpected, sometimes serious, problems.

Given the technical and ever-changing nature of websites and the internet, there will be times when it will be essential—and invaluable—for you to have easy access to reliable, trustworthy, responsive tech support. I offer you unsurpassed, responsive service in times of a website emergency, or when you just need a little help to tidy up your website and make sure WordPress and the plug-ins are up to date and working properly. All you need to do is send me an email or a note through my contact form.

And don’t forget to sign up for my News and Updates list to get notifications about critical updates and how they might affect you.